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Оригинално описание

The F-105 armed with missiles and a cannon; however, its design was tailored to high-speed low-altitude penetration carrying a single nuclear bomb internally. First flown in 1955, the Thunderchief entered service in 1958. As the largest single-engined fighter ever employed by the USAF, the single-seat F-105 would be adapted to deliver a greater iron bomb load than the four-engined ten-man strategic bombers of World War II. The F-105 would be best remembered as the primary strike bomber over North Vietnam in the early stages of the Vietnam War.
- 303 Light Green
- 309 Forest Green
- 310 Brown
- 8 Silver
- 76 Burned Iron
- 311 Grey
- 316 White Insignia
- 12 Flat Black
- 304 Olive Drab